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36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy

Fat Burning Basics

If you are overweight, you are not the wrong person. You are simply fat. But it's important to lose extra pounds to look good, feel healthy, and develop a sense of pride and self-esteem. Once you lose fat, you have to maintain your weight.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy
36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy

In this booklet, you'll learn how to lose 10 pounds in a month -- a nice, safe loss of about two or two and a half pounds a week -- without pain. You will feel satisfied and more energetic than before without feeling deprived.

Most Americans put on extra weight by eating the wrong things. Changing these bad eating habits is the key to long-term success. Knowledge -- along with the right food -- is critical.

When humans lived in caves, they knew nothing about the preservation and storage of food. They devoted all their waking time and energy to hunting and gathering food. When he had it, he gobbled it down fast. Instead of storing food in the pantry or cupboard, they held energy in their bodies in the form of fat to burn during periods when there was little or nothing to eat.

Every year, it was absolutely essential for him to put on a good layer of fat during the hot sprints and summer months. This was the only way they could guarantee their survival during the lean and mean winter months.

And since women give birth to babies, they need more energy to sustain themselves and their babies, and that means they're usually heavier.

Even though we no longer live in caves, we inherited and maintained this essential mechanism for storing fat from our hunting and gathering ancestors.

Each of us is born with a certain number of fat cells. How many of these fat cells you have depends on genetics. If you have a lot of fat cells, your ancestors may have been the largest of the tribe, which was a good thing because they had the best chances of survival.

You can never get rid of fat cells, but -- unfortunately -- you can make them grow. Your body will create new distant cells based on what you eat. And the ones you were born with never go away.

This does not mean that once you put on extra pounds you are doomed to become obese. Shrinking fat cells is possible. This is what happens when you lose weight. You burn the fat stored in those big fat cells. Think of them as balloons. Burning the fat inside them has the same effect as letting the air out of a balloon.


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A good weight loss program requires a certain amount of intake restriction – a reduction in calorie consumption. You burn fat by eating less fat and being more active.

To guarantee lifelong weight control success, you must change the way you eat so that you consume less fat and still get the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates your body needs to grow. needed.

Extremely low-calorie diets may help you lose weight quickly, but they will lead to failure in the long run.

This is because humans are genetically protected from starvation. During times of food shortage, our bodies slow down our metabolism and expend less energy so that we can stay alive.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy
36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy

A part of our brain called the hypothalamus keeps us at an even weight by creating a "set point". The weight where we feel comfortable. The hypothalamus sets this point based on the level of consumption it is used to. It wants to keep our weight stable, even when the point is over where it should be.

When we drastically cut back on our food intake, the brain thinks the body is starving, and to preserve life, it slows down the metabolism. Soon the pounds stop coming. As a result, we become hungry and uncomfortable and then overeat. And then the diet fails.

How can you compensate for this metabolic slowdown? The answer is that you must change the nutritional composition of the foods you eat. You have to cut down on total calories - this is absolutely fundamental to weight loss. More important, however, is to reduce the percentage of total calories you get from fat.

This way you will avoid the panic of starvation in your system. At the same time, you reduce the amount of fat in your diet, replacing it with safe, low-calorie, nutrient-dense plant foods. This will assure your brain that your body is getting all the nutrition it needs.

In fact, you'll be able to eat more and feel more satisfied while consuming fewer calories and fat.

Plant foods break down more slowly in your stomach, keeping you feeling full longer, and they're rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, carbohydrates, and protein for energy and muscle building. This allows your body to burn excess stored fat.

Fat Burning Foods

Each of the following foods is clinically proven to promote weight loss. These foods go a step further than just adding fat to your system — they have special properties that add zip to your system and help your body melt away unhealthy pounds. These incredible foods can curb your appetite for junk food and keep your body running smoothly with clean fuel and efficient energy.

You can include these foods in any sensible weight loss plan. They give your body the extra metabolic kick it needs to lose weight quickly

A sensible weight loss plan calls for no less than 1,200 calories daily. But Dr. Charles Klein recommends consuming more if you can feel it -- 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day. He says you'll still lose weight fairly effectively at that intake level without endangering your health.

Hunger is satisfied more completely by filling the stomach. Ounce for ounce, the foods listed below perform better than any other. At the same time, they are rich in nutrients and have a special ability to melt fat.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy
36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy


These wonders of nature deserve their reputation for keeping the doctor away when you eat one a day. And now, they can help you melt away fat, too.

First, they raise your blood sugar (sugar) levels in a safe, gentle way and keep them up for longer than most foods. Researchers say its practical effect is to make you feel satisfied for longer.

Second, they are one of the supermarket's supermarket's supermarket's supermarket's supermarket's richest sources of soluble fiber. This type of fiber curbs hunger pangs by preventing dangerous fluctuations in your blood sugar levels says Dr. James Anderson of the University of Kentucky School of Medicine.

An average-sized apple provides only 81 calories and contains no sodium, saturated fat, or cholesterol. You'll also get the added health benefits of lowering your blood pressure as well as lowering the cholesterol levels already in your blood.

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Whole Grain Bread

You don't need to be afraid of bread. It's butter, margarine, or cream cheese that you put on it that isn't breading. We'll say it as many times as necessary - fat is fattening. If you don't believe it, consider this – one gram of carbohydrate contains four calories, one gram of protein four, and one gram of fat nine. So which of these is really fattening?

Bread, a natural source of fiber and complex carbohydrates, is suitable for dieting. Norwegian scientist Dr. Bjarne Jacobsen found that people who ate less than two slices of bread a day weighed about 11 pounds more than those who ate more bread.

Studies from Michigan State University suggest that some bread actually reduces appetite. Researchers compared white bread to dark, high-fiber bread and found that students who ate 12 slices a day of dark bread reported less hunger and lost five pounds over two months. Others who ate white bread felt more hungry, ate more high-fat foods, and did not lose weight during this time.

So the key is eating dark, rich, high-fiber bread like pumpernickel, whole wheat, mixed grains, oatmeal, and others. The average slice of whole grain bread contains only 60 to 70 calories, is rich in complex carbohydrates -- the best, stable fuel you can give your body -- and provides a surprising amount of protein.


It's easy here's the password. We've all heard about the potential dangers of caffeine — including anxiety and insomnia — so moderation is the key.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy

The caffeine present in coffee can speed up the metabolism. University of California at Davis Dr. According to Judith Stern, it is known in nutritional circles as a metabolism booster.

This makes sense since caffeine is a stimulant. Studies show it can help you burn more calories than usual, maybe 10 percent more. To be safe, it's best to limit your intake to one cup each in the morning and afternoon. Add only skimmed milk to the breast and try to do without sugar - many people learn to like it that way.


There's good reason to make this traditional food a regular part of your diet. According to Dr. James Seard of the University of Florida, it helps dissolve fat and cholesterol. An average-sized grapefruit contains 74 calories, provides 15 grams of pectin (a special fiber linked to lowering cholesterol and fat), is high in vitamin C and potassium, and is free of fat and sodium.

It is rich in natural galacturonic acid, which adds to its potency as a fat and cholesterol fighter. The added benefit here is aiding in the fight against the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and heart disease. Try sprinkling it with cinnamon instead of sugar to take away some of the tart flavors.


Try the hot, spicy kind found in Asian import stores, specialty shops, and foreign groceries. Dr. Jaya Henry of the Oxford Polytechnic Institute in England found that hot mustard, commonly found in Mexican, Indian, and Asian cuisine, about a teaspoon a day, temporarily speeds up metabolism, in the same way as caffeine and the drug ephedrine. We do.

"But mustard is natural and completely safe," says Henry. "It can be used every day, and it really works. I was shocked to find that it can speed up the metabolism by 20 to 25 percent for several hours. As a result, the body Burns an additional 45 calories for every 700 consumed.

Black Pepper

Hot, spicy chili peppers fall into the same category as hot mustard, says Henry. He studied them under mustard-like conditions and they worked in exactly the same way. Only three grams of chili were added to the meal with 766 total calories. The metabolism-boosting properties of chili work like a charm, causing what Henry calls a diet-induced thermic effect. It doesn't take long to make an impact. Most salsa recipes call for four to eight peppers—that's not a lot.

Black pepper is surprisingly rich in vitamins A and C, rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium, high in fiber, fat-free, low in sodium, and just 24 calories per cup.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy


We're kidding, aren't we? wrong. Potatoes have developed a "fattening" rap similar to that of bread, and it's unfair. "An excellent food for rapid weight loss is the potato, with 0.6 calories per gram, or about 85 calories per potato," says Dr. John McDougall, director of the Nutritional Medicine Clinic at St. Helena Hospital in Deer Park, California. A great source of fiber and potassium, they lower cholesterol and protect against stroke and heart disease.

Prep and toppings are key. Stay away from butter, milk, and sour cream, or you'll blow it. Opt for curd instead.


At Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, Dr. A complete weight loss plan, called the Simple Rice Diet, was developed by William Kempner. The diet of the 1930s made rice a staple of your food intake. Later, you slowly mix in different fruits and vegetables.

It produces amazing weight loss and healing results. The diet has been shown to reverse and cure kidney diseases and high blood pressure.

One cup (150 grams) of cooked rice contains about 178 calories—about one-third the number of calories found in an equivalent amount of beef or cheese. And remember, whole grain rice is much better for you than white rice.


Soup is good for you! Maybe not the canned varieties from the store -- but old-fashioned, homemade soups do promote weight loss. Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, Dr. A study by John Foret found that dieters who ate a bowl of soup before lunch and dinner lost more weight than dieters who didn't. In fact, the more soup they ate, the greater their weight loss. And soup eaters keep the weight off longer.

Naturally, the type of soup you eat makes a difference. Cream soups or soups made with beef or pork aren't the best for you. But here's a great recipe:

Chop three large onions, three carrots, four celery stalks, one zucchini, and one yellow squash. Keep it in a kettle. Add three cans of crushed tomatoes, two packets of low-sodium chicken broth, three cans of water, and one cup of white wine (optional). Add tarragon, basil, oregano, thyme, and garlic powder. Bring to a boil, then simmer for an hour. Serves six.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy
36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy


An epidemiologist at the University of Texas, Dr. According to Richard Shekel, Popeye knew exactly what he was talking about. Spinach can lower cholesterol, speed up metabolism, and burn fat. Rich in iron, beta-carotene, and vitamins C and E, it supplies most of the nutrients you need.


You can't say enough about this healthy food from Asia. Also called soybean curd, it's basically flavorless, so any spices or flavorings you add to it mix well. One 2½" square has 86 calories and nine grams of protein. (Experts suggest consuming about 40 grams per day.) Tofu contains calcium and iron, almost no sodium, and little to no saturated fat. It drives your metabolism high and even lowers cholesterol. With the different varieties available, firmer tofus are goofy for stir-fry or adding to soups and sauces, while softer tofus are suitable for mashing, chopping, and adding to salads.

Power Foods

It would be unrealistic to think that you can successfully lose weight and enjoy what you eat with only a handful of foods, no matter how delicious, nutritious, and satisfying they may be. That's why we're going to add an additional roster of fat-fighting foods that you can eat along with the great foods mentioned in the previous section.

They give each food a distinct flavor and texture and provide a wide range of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other important nutrients. Naturally, each one is high in fiber, low in fat, and safe when it comes to sodium content.

Many have the crunch and flavor we love in snack and nibbling foods. If you're like most of us, you may actually have a habit of snacking on junk food—a habit you need to change to get lean. Many of the foods in this section may be eligible for substitutions.


This filling grain goes well with rice and potatoes. It contains 170 calories per cooked cup, respectable levels of protein and fiber, and relatively little fat. Roman gladiators ate this grain regularly for strength and actually complained when they had to eat meat.

Studies from the University of Wisconsin show that barley effectively lowers cholesterol by up to 15 percent and contains potent anticarcinogenic agents. Israeli scientists say it treats constipation better than laxatives – and it may even promote weight loss.

Use it as a rice substitute in salads, pilaf, or stuffing, or add it to soups and stews. You can even mix it with rice for an interesting texture. Ground into flour, it makes excellent bread and muffins.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy
36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy


Beans are one of the best sources of plant protein. Peas, beans, and chickpeas are collectively called legumes. Most common beans contain 215 calories per cooked cup (lima beans go up to 260). They have the most protein with the least fat of any food, and they're high in potassium but low in sodium.

Plant protein is incomplete, meaning you have to add something to make it complete. Combine beans with whole grains -- rice, barley, wheat, corn -- to provide the amino acids needed to make a complete protein. Then you get the same high-quality protein found in meat with a fraction of the fat.

Studies at the University of Kentucky and in the Netherlands suggest that eating beans regularly can lower cholesterol levels.

The most common complaint about beans is that they cause gas. Here's how to control that problem, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA): Before cooking, wash beans and remove outer particles, put them in a kettle, and cover them with boiling water, for four hours or longer. Soak, remove any beans that float on top, then cook beans in fresh water.


It is the perfect weight loss food. Berries contain natural fructose sugar that satisfies your craving for sweets and enough fiber to help you absorb fewer calories than you eat. British researchers found that the high content of insoluble fiber in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains reduces the absorption of calories from foods to promote a reduction in girth without hindering nutrition.

Jamun is a great source of potassium which can help you with blood pressure control. Blackberries have 74 calories per cup, blueberries 81, raspberries 60, and strawberries 45. So use your imagination and enjoy whatever berry you like.


According to a recent poll, broccoli is America's favorite vegetable. No wonder. One cup of cooked broccoli contains only 44 calories. It offers a staggering nutritional payload and is considered the number one cancer-fighting vegetable. It has no fat, loads of fiber, cancer-fighting chemicals called indoles, carotenes, vitamin C, and 21 times the RDA of calcium.

Pay attention to the color when buying broccoli. Small flowers should be dark green and free from yellow. Stems should be firm.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy


It's great on pancakes, bread, cereals, soups, or alone as a whole grain dish commonly called kasha. It contains 155 calories in one cooked cup. Research from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences suggests that diets including buckwheat offer excellent blood sugar regulation, resistance to diabetes, and lower cholesterol levels. You cook buckwheat the same way you cook rice or barley. Bring two to three cups of water to a boil, add the grains, cover the pan, reduce the heat, and simmer for 20 minutes or till the water is absorbed.


This Eastern European staple is a true wonder food. One cup of cooked shredded cabbage contains only 33 calories, and it retains all of its nutritional value no matter how long you cook it. Eating cabbage raw (18 calories per chopped cup), or cooked, such as sauerkraut (27 calories per drained cup), or coleslaw (calories depending on the dressing) just once a week is enough to protect against colon cancer. And it may be a longevity food. Surveys in the United States, Greece, and Japan show that people who consume the most have the lowest rates of colon cancer and the lowest overall mortality.


What list of health-promoting, fat-fighting foods would be complete without Bugs Bunny's favorite? A medium-sized carrot contains around 55 calories and is a powerhouse of nutrition. The orange color comes from beta-carotene, a potent cancer-prevention nutrient (provitamin A).

Chop them up and toss them with pasta, grate them into rice, or add them to a stir-fry. Combine them with parsley, oranges, raisins, lemon juice, chicken, potatoes, broccoli, or lamb to make delicious dishes. Spice them up with tarragon, dill, cinnamon, or nutmeg. Add finely chopped carrots to soups and spaghetti sauces – they provide a natural sweetness without added sugar.


White meat has 245 calories per four-ounce serving and dark meat has 285 calories. It is an excellent source of protein, iron, niacin, and zinc. Chicken with the skin is healthier, but most experts recommend waiting until after to cook it because the skin keeps the meat moist during cooking.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy


It's actually a grain — not a vegetable — and it's another food that's gotten a bum rap. People think that it has very little to offer nutrients and it is not. There are 178 calories in one cup of cooked kernels. It contains good amounts of iron, zinc, and potassium, and researchers at the University of Nebraska say it also provides a high-quality protein.

The Tarahumara Indians of Mexico eat corn, beans, and hardly anything else. Virgil Brown, M.D., of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Turns out that high blood cholesterol and cardiovascular heart disease are almost non-existent among them.

Cottage Cheese

As long as we are talking about weight loss and fat-fighting foods, we had to mention paneer.

Reduced-fat (2%) cheese has 205 calories per cup and is fairly low in fat while providing respectable amounts of calcium and the B vitamin riboflavin. Season with spices such as dill, or garden fresh vegetables such as scallions and chives for extra zip.

Add raisins or one of the unsweetened fruit spreads to sweeten it. You can also use cottage cheese in cooking, baking, fillings, and dips where you would otherwise use sour cream or cream cheese.


Fiber-rich figs are low at 37 per medium (2.25” diameter) raw fig and 48 per dried fig. A recent USDA study showed that they contribute to a feeling of fullness and prevent overeating. The subjects actually complained of being asked to eat a lot more food when fed a diet containing more figs than a similar diet with the same number of calories.

Serve them with other fruits and cheeses. Or serve them hot or cold mixed with fruit juice. You can stuff them with mild white cheese or puree them to use as a filling for cookies and low-calorie pastries.


The health benefits of fish are far greater than experts imagined – and they've always considered it a healthy food.

The calorie count in an average four-ounce serving of deep-sea fish ranges from as low as 90 calories in abalone to a high of 236 in herring. For example, a can of water-packed tuna has 154 calories. It is difficult to gain weight by eating seafood.

In 1985, articles in the New England Journal of Medicine showed a clear link between eating fish regularly and lower rates of heart disease. The reason is that fish oils thin the blood, lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol. Dr. Joel Kramer at Albany Medical College in New York found that a daily supplement of fish oil brought dramatic relief to the swollen and stiff joints of rheumatoid arthritis.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy


We're talking collard, chicory, beet, kale, mustard, Swiss chard, and turnip greens. They all belong to the same family as Palak, and he is one of the super-stars. No matter how hard you try, you can't load up on a single cup of plain cooked greens with more than 50 calories.

They're packed with fiber, loaded with vitamins A and C, and free of fat. You can use them in salads, soups, casseroles, or any recipe where you'd normally use spinach.


This New Zealand native is a sweet treat at only 46 calories per fruit. Chinese public health officials praise the delicious fruit for its high vitamin C content and potassium. It stores easily in the refrigerator for up to a month. Most people like it peeled, but the withered skin is also edible.


These members of the onion family look like giant scallions and are every bit as healthy and delicious as their better-known cousins. They come close to being calorie-free as it packs a mere 32 calories per cooked cup.

You can poach or boil halved leeks and then marinate them in a vinaigrette or season them with Romano cheese, fine mustard, or herbs. They also make a nice soup.


People think lettuce is nutritionally useless, but nothing could be further from the truth. You can't leave it out of your weight loss plan, with no more than 10 calories per cup of raw romaine. It provides a lot of filling bulk for so few calories. And it is also rich in Vitamin C. Go beyond iceberg lettuce with Boston, Bibb, and Cos varieties or try watercress, arugula, radicchio, dandelion greens, purslane, and even parsley to liven up your salads.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy
36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy


Now, there's great taste and great nutrition in a low-calorie package! One cup of Cantaloupe Balls contains 62 calories, one cup of Cassava Balls contains 44 calories, one cup of Honeydew Balls contains 62 calories and one cup of Watermelon Balls contains 49 calories. They have the highest fiber content of any food and are delicious. Add to that cup of melon a good amount of vitamins A and C and 547 milligrams of potassium, and you have a fat-burning health food beyond compare.


One cup of oatmeal or oat bran has only 110 calories. And oats help you lose weight. In Dr. James Anderson's landmark 12-year study at the University of Kentucky, subjects lost three pounds in two months by adding only 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of oat bran to their daily food intake and nothing else. Don't expect oats alone to do wonders - you need to eat a balanced diet for overall health.


Tasty, aromatic, inexpensive, and low in calories, onions deserve a regular place in your diet. One cup of chopped raw onions has only 60 calories, and one raw medium onion (2.15" diameter) has only 42 calories.

They control cholesterol, thin the blood, protect against cholesterol, and may have some value in combating allergic reactions. Above all, onions taste good and they are good for you.

Partly boil, peel and bake, baste with olive oil and lemon juice. Or roast them in white wine and basil, then spread them on pizza. Or roast them in sherry and serve over the paste.


The Italians had it all right. One cup of the cooked paste (without the heavy sauce) has only 155 calories and fits the description of a perfect starch-concentrated staple. Analysis at the American Institute of Baking shows that pasta is rich in six minerals, including manganese, iron, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, and zinc. Be sure to also consider whole wheat pasta, which is healthier as well.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy
36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy

Sweet Potatoes

You can make a meal out of them and not worry about gaining pounds — and you certainly won't walk away from the table feeling hungry. There are approximately 103 calories in each sweet potato. Their creamy orange flesh is one of the best sources of vitamin A you can consume.

You can bake, steam, or microwave them. Or add them to casseroles, soups, and many other dishes. Flavor with lemon juice or vegetable broth instead of butter.


A medium tomato (2.5" diameter) has only 25 calories. These garden delights are low in fat and sodium, high in potassium and rich in fiber.

A Harvard Medical School survey found that people who ate a tomato (or strawberry) every week were the least likely to die of cancer.

And don't overlook canned, crushed, peeled, whole, or stewed tomatoes. They make sauces, casseroles, and soups taste great while maintaining their nutritional goodness and low-calorie status. Even plain old spaghetti sauce is a fat-burning deal served over pasta, so consider adding tomatoes to your diet.


Thank those pilgrims for starting the wonderful tradition of Thanksgiving turkey. It just so happens that this healthy food disguised as meat is good for weight control year-round.

There are 177 calories in a four-ounce serving of roasted white meat turkey and 211 in dark meat.

Sadly, many people are still unaware of the versatility and flavor of ground turkey. Ground turkey can do anything a hamburger can do, from a less-than-traditional burger to spaghetti sauce to meatloaf.

Some ground turkey has skin which slightly increases the fat content. If you want to keep it really lean, choose ground breast meat. But since there's no added fat, you'll need to add fillers to hold the burger or meatloaf together.

Four ounces of ground turkey contains about 170 calories and nine grams of fat -- about the same amount as you'd find in 2.5 tablespoons of butter or margarine. Incredibly, the same amount of regular ground beef (21% fat) contains 298 calories and 23 grams of fat.

Buying turkey just got easier. It's not necessary to buy a whole bird unless you want to. Ground turkey is available fresh or frozen, as are different parts of the bird including drumsticks, thighs, breasts, and cutlets.

36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy
36 Powerful Foods To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy


The non-fat variety of plain yogurt has 120 calories per cup and the low-fat variety has 144 calories. It provides a lot of protein and, like any dairy food, is rich in calcium and contains zinc and riboflavin.

Yogurt is useful as a breakfast food - cut a banana into it and add cereal of your choice.

You can find ways to use it in other types of cooking, such as sauces, soups, dips, toppings, stuffing, and spreads. Many kitchen gadget departments also sell a simple funnel for making curd cheese.

Yogurt can replace heavy cream and whole milk in a wide range of recipes, saving fat and calories.

You can substitute half or all of the higher-fat ingredients. be creative. For example, mix yogurt, garlic powder, lemon juice, black pepper, and a dash of Worcestershire sauce and use it over baked potatoes instead of piling on fat-rich sour cream.

Supermarkets and health food stores sell a variety of yogurts, many of which contain added fruit and sugar. To control the calorie and fat content, buy plain non-fat yogurt and add the fruit yourself. Apple butter or fruit spread with little or no sugar is a great way to turn plain yogurt into a delicious sweet treat.

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