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The Aromatherapy Incense

The Aromatherapy Incense

One way to calm down when a person is feeling stressed is by taking deep breaths. If that's not enough, occasionally stepping out of the room to get some fresh air will do some good.

The Aromatherapy Incense
The Aromatherapy Incense

Aromatherapy is also a great stress reliever. Apart from applying or smelling the oil, the same thing can be done by using incense sticks.

That person can buy a set of sticks from a store for less than $10. These should be lit and then kept in a container so that the fragrance can fill the room.


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Incense sticks are also used in other works. Most churches use either frankincense or sandalwood when conducting special ceremonies. The Chinese use it to ward off evil spirits when opening businesses for a prosperous future. Some establishments use lavender sticks, which are very effective at keeping insects away.

It is not good to use all types of incense sticks. This is because substandard medicines are available in the market, which can put the respiratory system at risk, especially for people suffering from asthma.

This can be avoided by only going to reputed dealers who are recommended by family members and friends.

The Aromatherapy Incense
The Aromatherapy Incense

Here are some examples of incense sticks commonly sold to the public.

1. The first is amber. These are designed to calm irritating conditions, which can help stabilize imbalances in one's system.

2. The other is the Indian cedar, which is often used as an antidepressant.

3. The third is jasmine. It helps in balancing hormones in both men and women. It is sometimes taken as an aphrodisiac, similar to chocolate, which is great for livening up the sex life.

4. Next is lavender, which has always been known to relax a person.

5. Lily is sometimes called a mild sedative because it helps slow the heart rate and calms the nerves.

6. Patchouli helps strengthen the nerves. It works in the same way as the Indian cedar, so if the first one runs out, there is always another that can be used as a substitute.

7. Rose promotes spiritual healing and compassion. It is ideal either while lying down or while meditating in the room which will help the person to concentrate on the task at hand.

8. Lastly, there are Sandal Aids, which are similar to rose and help stimulate the pituitary and pineal glands.

The Aromatherapy Incense
The Aromatherapy Incense

These rods are usually sold in sets. A pack can contain up to a dozen, while those looking to get good value should try to get their hands on four or five different scents. It will differentiate some of those available in the market so that the customer knows which one to call when the time comes for a re-supply.

After using aromatherapy incense, one can try other things available to feel relaxed all the time. There are bath salts, which can be used in the bathroom, and candles, which work in the same way as incense sticks.

Aromatherapy really is a great way to feel good again. It has a natural high with no side effects and can be used as often as the person wants. The only thing to figure out is which one should be used, as each type has a particular use.

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